The main searches obtained through the GeoWarehouse store are:
1. Parcel Register* (POLARIS Parcel Register*) - this data comes from POLARIS and contains the most up-to-date registry information on real property in the Province of Ontario.
2. Instrument Images* - you can view mortgage documents, transfer documents, liens, and more.
3. Surveys and Plans
4. Teranet Insights and Relocation Reports
5. Enhanced property imagery - StreetScape and PivotView imagery enable you to view the subject property as though you were standing on the street. Custom interactive images, pan properties, and the capability to "look around corners" create a virtual reality where you can actually walk around the exterior of the subject property and change the angle at which you are viewing the property using PivotView animation.
6. HoodQ Reports
7. Protect Your Boundaries Reports
* An official product of the Ontario government pursuant to provincial land registration statutes.
For further tips for success, additional resources, and to register for upcoming training sessions, explore the GeoWarehouse Academy on the GeoWarehouse website.
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