You can search by Address, Name, and PIN & ARN in the Omni search bar.
Enter an Address, Name, PIN or ARN and a drop down menu will appear with auto suggested matches. Matches will be categorized by MUNICIPALITY, OWNER and ADDRESS.
Please note:
- Province-wide search capabilities are available for Address, PIN or
- Select the Location for Name search if outside of your default area
Select a property from the matches in the auto suggest list that drops down OR select Search to display all matches.
When the Search button is employed, a Search Results window will appear on the left side of the page. Scroll through the results to find the property of interest.
- You will notice a blue push pin for each result on the map.
- If a push pin is selected, it will enlarge slightly and turn a darker blue.
- To view more information about the property, select the downward arrow in the results window to the right of the address OR select the push pin.
When the downward arrow is selected from results, the legal description, PIN, ARN and a link to the
will display.
When the push pin is selected a box will open with the the legal description, PIN, ARN and a link to the Property Report and Street View.
If Street View is selected then Google Street View will appear on the full screen.
To return to Map View, select the back arrow in the small Map View window.
Select Property Report for more information about the property of interest.
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