Condominium Floor Plans provided by builders are not available in GeoWarehouse.
If you are looking for the square footage of the unit you can you can purchase a Floor Area report through MPAC's site Propertyline.
If available for the building, GeoWarehouse does have Condominium Plans for purchase but this will provide information showing ALL units on each floor and in most cases the common elements as well.
To purchase a Condominium Plan in Geowarehouse you will first need to acquire the plan number from the legal description.
*Condominium plans have a specific prefix consisting of a few letters preceding the number. Click HERE to find help to find the prefix.
1. Enter the plan number in to the Geowarehouse search bar
2. Select the correct LRO on the right hand side of the search bar
3. Once you click search you will see a "View Details" option you can select to purchase the plan.
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